Stephanie Clemens

As I was arranging Stephanie’s lap top, planner, and coffee (essentials to any entrepreneur) I couldn’t stop thinking about how much I loved her mug. An illuminated tent underneath the moon and stars nestled next to a bonfire with the phrase “campfire vibes” underneath in simple script. I had never thought about campfire vibes specifically before, other than I love them. I’m usually with friends and family, there is an underlying excitement, and they are always joyful. And after getting to know Stephanie, it was clear that she definitely radiated campfire vibes. She loves her family, she is extremely excited about her career path, and she is absolutely joyful.
Stephanie is an exceptional Realtor serving the Miami Valley, helping an average of 32 people a year ‘complete one chapter of their life and open the next one, whether a condo or single family residence’. And if that doesn’t sound busy enough, she is also a mom of two boys. I asked Stephanie one of my favorite questions – how do you find balance? She replied:
“For me, balancing work life v mom life is structuring my day to be there when the boys need me there- school pick up and drop off, practice, games, etc.  It may mean working late into the evening or more appts on the weekends scheduled around football and basketball. Sometimes the balance means combining the two responsibilities with them being my assistants!”
It seemed abundantly clear how easy it was to work with Stephanie. Her smile lit up the room and her laughter was  contagious. “Do you radiate joy all throughout the real estate process?” I wondered. She answered
“I like to make the transaction fun and less stressful. Or as much as I can, of course. There is a time and place for seriousness, but we can still have fun! I want the experience to be personable, rewarding and most of all successful. I want people to feel that we are friends and be able to approach me with any question.”
Approachable? Yes. Successful? Yes. Camp fire Vibes? Absolutely.