Kathy & Joe

When true love strikes and hearts are stolen, there is a solid chance it might be because you are in a work softball league together. In one such summer league in Alexandria, Virginia, Kathy and Joe met just weeks before Kathy was planning on moving back to her hometown in Dayton, Ohio. As Kathy told me

” I like to say that Joe was impressed by my natural athletic talent playing second base, and I was almost impressed by his skill as our back-up catcher 😉 ”

Their courtship became a long distance relationship. And as anyone who has experienced a long distance relationship knows, it involved a LOT of time on the phone. Luckily they both had amazing flexibility with their jobs, allowing them to work from home anywhere in the country. After traveling back and forth between Alexandria and Dayton, Joe decided last Spring that it was time to move North.

Joe proposed one evening last Fall when they were at home in their apartment, cuddling in bed. It was not a huge surprise as Kathy had been extremely instrumental in the ring selection process. As they explained,

“There was no elaborate proposal planned, but it was very sweet and fitting for both our personalities.”

Since then, they have started traveling together while they work – spending November and December working from NYC. Experiencing the city around Christmas and New Years was an amazing way to end their first year as fiances. They are currently back in Dayton now, but not for long. Soon they will be preparing to leave on their next adventure to New Orleans for two months starting in March (just in time for mardi gras!) and then on to California until fall when they finally return to Dayton.

When your home is not made of wood or brick but rather in the heart and the company of your true love, traveling the country seems like a perfect fit. Kathy and Joe, congratulations not only on getting engaged, but on making these years together one constant (and amazing) adventure.  Excited to hear whats next!