Celebrating Life is your Passion
Capturing the Beauty of it
is mine

Friday the 13th of September was a warm, beautiful, and sunny day. Wedding guests were greeted by Lucy (flower crown and all) and trickled into the trail that led to a gorgeous meadow with a small wooden gazebo surrounded by chairs and a table full of sunglasses with a note that read “sit back and […]

Dani & Adam

September 29, 2019

Gorgeous murals have been emerging all over the Dayton Area over the last decade (a LOT more have popped up over the last few years) adorning once blank cement walls with beauty and brilliance. Dayton is one of many cities that are showcasing this trend, beautifying city corners and strengthening the community bond. It has […]

Kathy & Joe Engagement

September 24, 2019

Nestled between the rolling hills and dales of West Kettering and the Great Miami River stands a stately tower in a large grassy field composed of white granite stones and 57 bells housed in it’s expansive belfry. Dayton’s own Carillon Bells, built in 1942 from the generous donation of Edith Deeds after discovering the magnificent […]

Harrison & The Special Guest

September 7, 2019

The drive to 40 Narcissa Drive in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA was absolutely stunning. It was a hot afternoon after a hot week that dried the air as well as the land to a slight crunch beneath your feet. On one side of Palos Verdes Dr was a steep incline to enormous boisterous houses with […]

Portuguese Bend Riding Center

August 6, 2019

Around the first of June I met up with two impressive brothers who, at the suggestion of their Aunt Cat, decided to surprise their Mom with new portraits for her birthday. You might see these brothers around Heatherwoode Golf Course in their hometown of Springboro or perhaps at their summer job at Golf Galaxy. But […]

Sam & Luke

July 17, 2019

It is widely believed that of all the New York City boroughs, Brooklyn has the most heart. Maybe its the vibrant energy that emanates from a dense melting pot of the best food, music, and art (nestled in an immensely effervescent backdrop). Or perhaps it’s the rich history of the neighborhood illuminated with the magic […]

Brooklyn (The Extraordinary)

July 7, 2019

In the quaint little town of Granville, Ohio stands a stately white house nestled in between an ethereal pine forest and a vast field filled with tall grass and sturdy horses. The expansive back yard was bustling last Saturday as tables were being arranged and the tent gained a taco bar, a cocktail bar, and […]

Sean & Tanya Wedding

June 27, 2019

Sometimes as Mothers, we tend to hear and say the phrase “where did all the time go?” We gaze upon our not-so-little one’s faces and notice cheek bones replacing squishy baby cheeks, or look over in surprise seeing how tall our (once little) child is getting. Yet time marches on, our little kids grow up into […]

Liam & Mila

June 20, 2019

Amy came to me with the excitement level of a little kid on Christmas morning. “I have outfits, I have tutu’s, I even have a crown.” she exclaimed enthusiastically. “And I have you covered girl” I responded with complete delight. And so it was settled. Miss Kay was going to get her moment in the spotlight. […]

The Fabulous Miss Kay

June 17, 2019

It was a gorgeous day in late May, and the golden sun was working it’s way down the sky.  The grass at Russ Nature Reserve was thick, green, and hot from being bathed in sunshine all day.  You could almost feel the vibrant pulse of summer in the air (with summer vacation mere weeks away). […]

Tiffany & The Three Wild Boys

May 29, 2019